The October 2, 2017 Letter:
It does actually make sense because congregations may not be assigned to their kingdom halls for the viewings and it is not a congregation meeting it is a branch event.
i just got word that in all congregations where the annual meeting is being streamed, any donations received that day, even if put in the box for the local hall must be sent to the branch immediately.. there will be an announcement made before the program starts for this arrangement.
so the extra electric needed that day, heat/ac that the congregation has to pay for does not matter.
all money donated that day has to go to the branch..
The October 2, 2017 Letter:
It does actually make sense because congregations may not be assigned to their kingdom halls for the viewings and it is not a congregation meeting it is a branch event.
i just got word that in all congregations where the annual meeting is being streamed, any donations received that day, even if put in the box for the local hall must be sent to the branch immediately.. there will be an announcement made before the program starts for this arrangement.
so the extra electric needed that day, heat/ac that the congregation has to pay for does not matter.
all money donated that day has to go to the branch..
It is actually not all the money. An estimate of the use of utilities would be taken out of the donations and be used for those needs. The rest go back to the branch.
due to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
I never said that they shouldn't make videos and if they want to use copyrighted material then do it. But they also have to deal with the consequences. If Watchtower misquotes someone than that person can sue, and they should sue. If you want to do something because they think it is important, even if it is illegal, then you have to deal with the consequences and not just act like people are out to get you.
due to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
StephaneLaliberte: I never claimed that there was any financial harm or I am not sure of any other harm that was done, but that doesn't negate that they are being taken down due to the law. The copyright law does not require harm to occur to the copyright holder. Unlike popular belief personal use of copyrighted material is still a violation of it and can be enforced. If they want to break the law that is their decision but it is also that they have to man up and take the consequences of breaking the law, which in this case is having their account revoked. It isn't persecution or anything when the law is built for everyone and is being enforced to everyone.
due to watchtower flagging the mike & kim videos on youtube for copyright, youtube is giving them 6 days before they are shutting down their entire youtube channel.
can you help with a mass downloading program and then reuploading them on a mirror ?
would hate to lose all those good videos!
StephaneLaliberte you used the example of a poor child stealing an apple and would it would not be the moral thing to call the cops on the child even though he is breaking the law. While yes it is not the moral thing to do to call the cops on the child would it be the right thing to do to turn a blind eye and let the child think that it is acceptable to steal from someone else? In your example you talked about wouldn’t Jesus give charity to the child in the form of a bag of apples. But that is not stealing a bag of apples, you’re not condoning the child from stealing the bag of apples but you're encouraging the charity of a bag of apples.
Still, on your example let’s say that same child is 10 or 11 so they are able to reason a little bit more. Would that child feel good about stealing that apple from your store because they are hungry or wouldn’t they feel guilty for doing it? Would they think back on the way that their parents raised them and remember their mom saying don’t steal, unless you’re in real need then it is ok? Probably not, they would think back to what their parents taught them that stealing is always wrong. They would be having a constant internal struggle debating what they need and what they know is right and wrong. Do you see that same feeling in this couple that is breaking the law? Do you see an internal struggle or remorse that they are breaking the law or do you see arrogance when they have been shut down that they are the ones being persecuted for breaking a law that applies to everyone.
Let’s just change your example to the universal example that has plagued philosophers and ethicists around the world. Let’s say you are a father and you feel you need to steal bread for your hungry family. You go into a store and steal bread and you get caught and they call the cops. The cops come and let you off with a warning that you can’t steal bread from the store. The cop then tells you there are legal means that you can use to help your hungry family in fact right next door there is a food bank that you can get free food and there is no penalty for taking food from there, you just have to obey the law. But instead of going the legal means the next day you go back to the store and steal some bread again, and the cops come and let you go with a warning reminding you that there are legal means to help your family. Again you ignore their warning and do it again and this time the cops come and arrest you. Are you really the victim of the cops or the store owner not being moral people? No, they consistently warned you and told you that of course, you have a duty to feed your family but there are legal means to do so, but you refuse to take their warning to stop breaking the law.
ok i want to pose a question to those who care to discuss this.. imagine a scenario.
you hear of a exjw writing a book, however, before writing this book this exjw is requesting money to publish said book.
you go along with it and help to get this book out to the public as you think that it will be beneficial.
One person who wrote a book and wants to write another one. He even admits that his activism is a job to him like how other people have normal jobs. You work a job for money so that you can live your life. I guess he must be making enough for him and his family to live on so he doesn't have to work like the rest of us.
ok i want to pose a question to those who care to discuss this.. imagine a scenario.
you hear of a exjw writing a book, however, before writing this book this exjw is requesting money to publish said book.
you go along with it and help to get this book out to the public as you think that it will be beneficial.
It is also interesting that certain activists are complaining about how YouTube isn't paying them for their videos.
i'm sure that insider informants ie: gb ass protectors may offer themselves as witnesses in a plea bargin from prosecution.. i'm thinking that a few gb member might turn in evidence to the state to lighten their sentence for charity fraud..
What specific laws do you feel they have blatantly broken or is breaking? Actual laws in a country that JWs officially operate in.
As the Washington Post highlights what Justice Jackson wrote. Many scholars view Jackson as one of the finest authors of Supreme Court Decisions in its history. It is truly eloquent, it was written for a JW case but it transcends that and goes to the heart of American and Democratic freedom.
“If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion, or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.”
tough to build jehovah's witness sex-abuse case.
11. without documents, says plaintiff, he can’t get justice.
The last day for the appeal decision to be handed down is 90 days from October 11, 2017 so that will be January 9, 2018. A decision will be handed down by that date.